Been in Home Team Academy for like coming 6 months? haha... some will say is fast like a blink of an eye..
To me.. hmm... you can say so for the good days in camp , but totally disagreeing to that statement when your having the bad days in camp.. All in all is been really useful for me and i have learned so much.
The mental state i had when i went in was rather too comfortable i guess.. I had more sad moments than happy once.. But i still manage to pull through it all and become stronger. Now i just left 3 weeks and the 6 months in camp and the camp life will be missed.. The lifestyle and all maybe? haha that i really doubt so..
Recently, i got this uncertainty feeling of my future.. Music have been so big in my life. God put that in me and so far not much people believed in my music only a few. Those few have made a big impact in me. Thanks Daddy Mummy and Brother.. Church friends too..
I was thinking how does it feel's like to see the most beautiful ever to you have so much pain and struggles in her life and you can't be there for her.. You have doubts that things would work out but the other part of you says do not give up? I never given up on being her best friend or even more than that. But i starting to understand her needs and her life is more important. I want to the few whom when she looks back in time and felt me always being there and cheering her up. That is my definition of friendship , love and care.

Things of the future we will not know only God. No matter what is it for us, I believe you and i will be happy. I want the most beautiful girl that was created by God to smile once again and win the millions back with that smile that i fell in love with =D