Friday, July 25, 2008

Bleeding Inside

The times are getting harder without talking to you at all.... I wonder how have you been and have you totally forgotten about me...? I can tell your with your friends hanging out....

For me? I don't have anymore recently i had a lot of anger inside of me and i shouted at Jp..Though i really did not want to but i really was lost and sad. Deep down i miss the days i can chat happily with you and knowing your always by my side....

I respect your decision but at times i really missed you. The places we go and the things we did still remains in my mind. I so lost without you but i been relying on God this few days and i feel better.....I am not doing this for you but i really want to grow and get back to God... And i believe God will give me an answer...It may be good or bad but i am going to accept it....

I am sorry JP i really lost my mind that day... The stress in school, friends and her really hurt me alot and affected me to a point i have changed

But i am picking myself up again with more quiet time with God telling him my problems and praying for everyone....

God had made plans for me since i was born and plans after i leave this world and i want to touch and draw everyone to him as he changed me and my life is lived for him.