Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy and still happy ! =)

My pre birthday dinner+my Mum's mother's day, we went to pastamania !! Not a true fan of that but is okay... I believe that having a nice dinner together is the most important of all... Honestly i was very happy today ! My dad and brother was telling me that they are planning to buy for me a SLR camera !! COOL ! Well i was thinking of a PS3 but is expensive when i buy my games so ya !! =)

Today i saw my mum holding my dad's hands on the way down from the stairs i honestly never seen them doing that but it was really sweet =) weirdly to couples haha one in front my parents and behind is my brother and his girlfriend so weird you know haha like I'm the only single one !!

I am really excited but yet scared about the may 17 gig ! What if i screw up ! Man in front of 600 people i will be super ashamed !! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!