Monday, February 18, 2008

Life are mostly Planned by God... But there are a small chance for a Surprise in all of our life

One thing i love going the RoundBox( the place where my band jams) Is the free MAKAN !! Man the food was great You know why?

Free !! That is why ! HA HA
But honestly it was nice and the band had a nice meal we sat and ate if up like a group cheetahs eating up all the left-OVERS!! ha ha

I made the last adjustments to the band's poster with the new additional member Denise !! HA HA things seems to finally get better the band is now moving to the direction i was hoping for at the new year !! So people be ready a new cool and hype up band is coming into your local scenes !!

Well i enjoyed Saturdays firstly i can be myself and be crazy ha ha !! Have friends i can really chat with not that i don't have friends i do HA HA .. But is the special bond i have for years with some of the guys in my band and newer bonds with new friends too like Joan , Yating & Denise.

Last Saturday we went to hooters !! the girls where like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! haha sorry Estee but is nothing just had dinner that was all the bill was killing us besides the A** and the B***S of the ladies but most of them were like forgettable faces only for a sweet girl called MIKI !! ha ha

One of the best day i had with the band too bad Joan , Yating & Denise were not there haha but I'm sure there will be times like that again soon !! i LOVE SATURDAYS!!
AND looking fot this coming saturday !! Denise first appearances in RB !!