Friday, December 07, 2007

Beware Of The New Kid on the Block!

Hey Yishun and Swembang Folks BEWARE BE VERY VERY VERY AWARE HAHA... A New Kid is on the Block !! well moved in to Swembang new condo called Seletaris. Well is ok so far though i was very depressed when i first went home, everything was like a rubbish bin!! BOXES everywhere and is like damn dusty and haizz no COM !! haha...

So far is rather fine i know my dad, mum, sijie(hopefully my Da sao) and my brother have not been sleeping well as there is lots of things to be done.....Well i feel just very weird as this is my very first time moving house so i'm feeling left out at times and most importantly i felt like i'm a Out of town guy moving into the city !! Yup everyone do look at me like a very weird way not much friends and NO GIRLS ! haha jking !!!

Well No more trip to KL or Malaysia so save a bit of money but this is sure going to be a long and boring holiday...Chrismas seems like is going to be a pain and boring one again... hMm the good old days seems to have all gone haiz...

I'm feeling lonely to be honest hoping to make more friends in swembang or my new condo even though most of them are much much younger than me but i love the YOUNG haha the kids at my condo are boy O boy sure cute haha... well Hope i don't pinch them to deaTH!!!

Mr Lonely signing off..........