Sunday, October 07, 2007

Back And Going For More !! =)

Florence, Me, Rebecca and Yee hua at the mall !

It's Not Over Till Everything is Done !!

Finally after a week at Malaysia I'm back..... However i really missed the place a lot is not totally about the food but most importantly is the people....Gua Musang is a great peaceful place i never ever seen such a place with friendly people all living so happily and stress free unlike Singapore. Also in Kota Bharu the youth in the church called CRC (City Revival Church) are i could say super hyper active and really loves talking a lot and taking many pictures but sadly i only was there for about a day. But glad to know that i'm going back to KB soon on Dec 13th i will flying there and performing and having a youth camp for the youth and also to get to know them better !! = ) that is something I'm surely looking forward for !
Well through this trip i have learned how much we need to believe in god and how to open our eyes as so we can be great and good Christians to our Father. This trip made me so touched that i wanted to set my commitment to help out more and to know more about the people in Gua Mu Sang and KB. Now this time I'm going to learn Malay !! ha ha is hard but i will do my very best!!
Things seems rather weird but is fine now i guess i'm trying to be just like a normal friend to her but i find it hard well i been praying hard and so i have to believe in God and once it is over i'm sure i will be happy !! =)