Friday, October 31, 2008

Life is tough and i am backsliding.....

I tried and tried and i think is all my own thoughts that are drowning and draining my strength i have in life.....

Church... Friends... Band..... School.... Everything, at times i need people's acceptance but i learned a lot.... That things will not turn better if you just seek for humans acceptances in life as what you get in here is just only sins and lies. I need God but i can't reach to him when i always need him.

At times i feel like a failure that people whom i reached out or really want to fellowship just walk away. The damage i done is just simply i did nothing to continue that fellowship.... and i feel i disappointed God. I lost a lot of the excitement i have before. Cause i do not think i am good enough to fellowship any one anymore due to my sins and my emptiness.

I cry to God but when he is there i forgotten my cries but hungry for the blessing.... I hate this and i want to be a servant of God where people will not only learn but believe in themselves.

I think my life is just like a frog in a well, a frog who talks to anything or anyone who looked into it... Thinking the world out there is so much fun.. When your in the well you see the same thing and you feel all alone... But when your out there too long you want to be make the world be like the well you been staying for years... Feeling comfortable and accepted but sadly this is impossible.....

The world is a place where it works you and not you work on it... Only the dreams and a strong faith ed and fearless person can live in the world and see it through the colors and wonders of God.

I want to that anything that you planned for me to be cause i know that plan will only work out for me and i have to grow and work for it.

God bless me grant me the positive approach in life while i make my way to your glory and back in your caring arms again...